Gift Shop
Our gift shop is open during the harvest season, October through mid-November. Our inventory of fresh fruit is limited so check this website for an update of our harvest schedule and come early. Although fresh fruit is our staple product, it is the Bogside Honey, Beeswax Candles, Jams, Soaps, Cranberry Recipes, and Annies' Crannies Gift Boxes that makes our gift shop unique. I hope you agree.
Note: Repeat customers, make sure to refresh your browser to get current products and prices.
Click here to initiate a Pre-Order for Shop Pickup!
Click here to initiate an order for shipment. There are many more products sold in the gift shop, but you'll have to stop by for those.
Gift Boxes
Small Variety Pack
Medium Variety Pack
Bogside Honey
Hand Dipped
Votive Candles
Floating Candles
Sea Shell Candles
Pillar Candles
Gift Soaps
Note Cards
Fresh Cranberries
Recipes Book
Baseball Cap
Long Sleeve Tee
Located in historic Dennis, Cape Cod MA birthplace of the cultivated cranberry!
Annies Crannies Quality
Excluding the novelties, all of our products are by products of the farm handmade, packaged, and shipped right from our bogside barn. I
care for 40-50 hives and in turn the bees allow me some of their “extra” honey and wax to make my goodies. Yes, this includes the jams
which I make one batch (6-8 jars) at a time, after picking the blueberries and raspberries.
Annies Crannies is a USDA GAP certified and IPM farm. GAP stands for Good Agricultural Practices and IPM stands for Integrated Pest
Management. Under the USDA program I take steps to assure the safest food farm practices. IPM growers believe we share this land with
animals and insects and everyone deserves a fair share. I let weeds reach pollination stage for the bees and beneficial insects to have a
food source, and then hand weed (hopefully) before it goes to seed.
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